Instead of the desired values for height and width, oversized numbers appear in the input fields when drawing walls. The walls are drawn with these incorrect values.

This is due to the use of the same separator for decimal places and digit groups. Usually, these separators are different. In Germany, the comma is used as a separator for decimal places, for example, for the value 123,45. Here, digit groups are separated from each other with periods, for example, for large numbers such as 1.234.567.

Adjust the separators in the Windows system settings:

Windows 10

  1. Exit the pCon.planner.
  2. Open the Windows settings (start menu).
  3. Open the Time and Language category.
  4. Follow the link Additional date, time and country settings.
  5. A new dialog opens in which you click on Change date, time or number format.
  6. The Region dialog opens. There, click on Additional Settings…
  7. Change the information there as follows:
    – for the option Decimal separator please enter a comma
    – for the option Symbol for number grouping please enter a dot

Windows 7

  1. Exit the pCon.planner.
  2. Now open the Windows Control Panel via Start/System Control.
  3. Click on the category Region and Language.
  4. In the dialog that opens, change to the Formats tab.
  5. Click on the button Further settings in the lower area.
  6. Switch to the Numbers tab.
  7. Change the entries there as follows:
    – for the option Decimal Separator please enter a comma
    – for the option Symbol for number grouping please enter a dot
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