The graphics hardware matches the system requirements for pCon.planner. Nonetheless, the program crashes when files are being loaded. Problems arise during work on your drawings.

If you have a hybrid system combining an onboard graphics card and a dedicated 3D graphics card (like those from NVIDIA or AMD), you should check whether pCon.planner is actually working with the 3D graphics card and you should assign the 3D graphics processor to the design program if necessary.

Our blog contains sample instructions on how to assign NVIDIA or AMD 3D graphics processors to pCon.planner.

Please note
The setting will have to be renewed after every update of pCon.planner, because the program file will each time be found by the graphics card driver as if for the first time.

Please also ensure that there is a connection between the monitor and the external graphics card, as otherwise the latter cannot be assigned to the monitor.

If you have already made this setting and pCon.planner is still not using the 3D graphics card, there is also the possibility that the energy management system in your laptop is overriding your setting. To help batteries last as long as possible, the 3D graphics cards with their high energy needs are often automatically disabled when there is no external source of energy.

Additional information on your graphics equipment
Why are up-to-date graphics drivers important and where can I get them?

What causes graphical presentation problems to occur?

Note: On our Youtube channel you will find a video on this topic: How to optimize graphics settings for smoother performance
My graphics hardware matches the recommendations for pCon.planner but I am still getting rendering problems and crashes. What can I do to avoid this?, 1.8 out of 5 based on 5 ratings
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