Changing the Unit of Measure via the Dimension Styles Dialog

If you would like to view the dimensions in a different unit, proceed as follows:

  1. Switch to the Edit tab on the ribbon.
  2. Open the Dimension Styles dialog.
  3. Adjust the Unit for your current dimension style (available in both the free and PRO versions of pCon.planner).


You would like your dimensions shown in millimeters. Set the Unit to Millimeter. The height of a baseboard measuring 0,1 meters should now be shown as 100.

The changes will influence all dimensions within the plan that use this Dimension Style.

Changing the Unit of Measure for individual Dimensions

If you want to change the unit of measure for a single dimension, proceed as follows: Select the dimension and open the Properties editor. Under the Unit of Measure option, set the unit you want to use. This will change the unit for the selected dimension. All other dimensions within the plan remain unchanged.

Separate Dimension Styles for Planning and Layout Area

The dimension style is selected separately in the design and layout areas.

The unit of measurement is based on

  • Planning area: the insert unit of the drawing (Application menu, Document Settings, Settings tab)
  • Layout area: Length Unit (Layout Settings, Operation tab)

Due to the differing units, the styles should usually only be used in one of the areas. Therefore, separate dimension styles must be defined for the planning and the layout area.

Two appropriate styles are predefined accordingly:

  • X3G_BASE_DIM_STYLE – planning area
  • X3G_Layout_DIM_STYLE – layout area
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