When working with pCon.planner, there are various tasks involving units that are important:

  • Default Scaling Unit (Application Menu, Settings button, Load tab)
  • Length Unit (Application Menu, Settings button, Edit tab)
  • Insert Unit (Application Menu, Document Properties button, Settings tab)

Each of these three units have different effects

The Default Scaling Unit – also known as the Scaling Unit – is necessary when you want to insert objects of an unknown scale. The Length Unit describes the standard when inputting the measure of length. The Insert Unit has an effect when you want to use plans created in another CAD program. Click on the respective unit for more detailed information.


  • The Default Scaling Unit changes the scaling of imported geometic objects as well as from plans with unknown units and objects that you insert from the media browser.
  • The Length Unit influences the unit of the values in the input field during planning. The selected unit of length has no affect on your dimensions.
  • Changing the Insert Unit has an affect on proportions when drawing walls, for example. Dimension values will stay the same – the changed unit will be used in the background, however pCon.planner will not convert the values.
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