The View tab enables you to toggle between Render and Projection. In addition it gives access to the Zoom tool and the chance to change how the viewport is divided up.
There are different modes for editing and rendering your drawings in pCon.planner. Each type of rendering has its own features and is suitable to a different type of use. There is more about this in the Render section. By clicking on the downward-pointing arrow in the Render group, you open a dialog which allows you to make more settings. The details are to be found in the Extended Options section.
This group also contains the Render Styles, on which there are more details here. The Environment dialog is home to background and lighting settings.
The Camera group gives you access to the Zoom tool. It also gives you the chance to select from nine predefined perspectives (i.e. cameras) to render individual objects or the whole design. In addition, you can define Custom Cameras.