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Questions & Answers - Category: Planning

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Why is an inserted object not in its desired location?

07.07.2017 | Planning | 0 Comments |
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You inserted an object, such as a drawing element or a piece of furniture, into your plan. When you then change to a different view, you notice that the object is not at the desired location.


Why can’t I drag and drop files from the web directly into pCon.planner?

16.06.2017 | Miscellaneous - Planning | 0 Comments |
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Drag & Drop for images, materials and other web files cannot be executed in pCon.planner. The most common causes for this problem are obsolete web browsers or highly-restrictive security settings within the browser.


Why is the size of a DWG file different in an opened or unopened state?

16.06.2017 | Miscellaneous - pCon.planner - Planning | 0 Comments |
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The DWG format is a compressed file format. As with a packed file, the file size displayed in your system (e.g. in Windows Explorer) does not occupy the same size as the plan that you edit in pCon.planner. How much memory an opened DWG file uses can vary, and many factors can determined the amount of memory used.


How do I reposition the UCS origin when using the Move feature?

16.12.2016 | pCon.planner - Planning | 0 Comments |
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There are several alternatives to relocate the User Coordinate System (UCS) if you want to use it as a means to move objects in relation to a given position in the plan.


Why are images or textures blurred or pixelated?

26.08.2016 | Miscellaneous - pCon.planner - Planning - Render quality | 0 Comments |
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Rating: 4.0/5 (4 votes cast)

You inserted a floor plan as an image and it appears blurred or pixelated.

pCon.planner will display images and textures up to a maximum resolution of 2048×2048 pixels in good quality. If you insert an image larger than this, the program will undercalculate the resolution and the image may no longer appear clear. The display depends on the content of the image. Fine lines, for example, are more affected than colored areas. Floor plans, in particular, should therefore be imported in a suitable resolution. This restriction works to keep the size of the plan low, saving both internal and graphics memory.


What is the Insert Unit and how do I use it?

22.08.2016 | pCon.planner - Planning - Program settings | 0 Comments |
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Rating: 1.8/5 (6 votes cast)

The Insert Unit indicates the unit of measure in which objects should be inserted. You can change this by clicking on the Application Menu, choosing Document Properties and switching to the Settings tab. Changes pertain to the current plan.

The correct Insert Unit is important if you are editing plans from other CAD programs.


What is the difference between Scaling Unit, Length Unit and Insert Unit?

22.08.2016 | pCon.planner - Planning - Program settings | 0 Comments |
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The Standard Scaling Unit – also known as the Scaling Unit – is necessary when you want to insert objects of an unknown scale. The Length Unit describes the standard when inputting the measure of length. The Insert Unit has an effect when you want to use plans created in another CAD program. Click on the respective unit for more detailed information.


Why can’t I access my manufacturer’s catalogs?

22.08.2016 | Miscellaneous - pCon.planner - Planning | 0 Comments |
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It is likely that you installed the free version of pCon.planner. To check, look at the top (on the title bar) of the program window. There you can read whether the currently-installed edition is pCon.planner (the free version) or pCon.planner PRO (the professional edition). Please bear in mind that a data connection in the free version of pCon.planner is not possible.


How do I change my unit of measure?

22.08.2016 | pCon.planner - Planning | 0 Comments |
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Rating: 1.6/5 (29 votes cast)

Measurements in pCon.planner are automatically based on the current Insert Unit. If you would like to view the dimensions in a different unit – without changing the Insert Unit – proceed as follows: Switch to the Edit tab on the Ribbon. Open the Dimension Styles dialog. Adjust the Unit for your current dimension style (available in both the free and PRO versions of pCon.planner).


What is the Length Unit and where can I change it?

22.08.2016 | pCon.planner - Planning - Program settings | 0 Comments |
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Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Under Length Unit, you can set the standardized unit in which you enter values in pCon.planner.

This can be changed through the Application Menu. Click on Settings and switch to the Edit tab.


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